Az album egyik dala a Saligia és ez szó olvasható az album borítón is. Ez a hét halálos bűn latin neveinek (superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, acedia) kezdőbetűiből áll össze.
A dalcímek között akad még érdekesség: a Hubris görög, míg a Spurcitias latin eredetű szó.
After seven years, has a new album by the Norwegian band. The thing is, it is not nearly went wrong. Although the atmosphere is typical Aeternus unfortunately not as strong as it was in the previous discs. Moreover, it is often missed. Their views on how the album that will change in the near future I do not know.
One of the songs on the album Saligia and that it can read the album cover.
This is the Latin names of the seven deadly sins (superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, acedia) consists of the first letters.
The song titles there are still interesting: the Hubris Greek, while Spurcitias word of Latin origin.
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